
Showing posts from October, 2017

University toilet day

Today is the day to celebrate in every university. Toilet is the main place to spread all diseases. As we all are aware of the statement which says cleanliness is next to godliness. Toilet cleanliness is very important for all the human being. It is the area where germs and bacteria gets originated and attack on human body. Most of the people forget to flush the toilet after the use. Unclean toilet can cause various illness as well. Therefore toilet in every universities, schools and every household should be clean regularly. Let's celebrate today's days by making our toilet clean.

Awareness on Health concerns

Meeting held on October 2, 2017 mainly to health awareness. Main topics talk on session was the problem of the champagne, children vaccination, teen pregnancy and sucide case. Reason for visit the majority of people in the hospital problems related to alcohol. Mortality growing every year in the country  due to alcohol. Knowing the fact that alcohol is the main reason to discredit a own personality, we should know the range of its use