
Showing posts from August 18, 2023

Alleged Rapist of Physically Challenged 0 Apprehended by Police in Trashigang

Police in Trashigang successfully captured the suspect accused of raping a 13-year-old minor in Ritshangdung, Kanglung on August 14, at approximately 10 pm. The victim, a physically challenged child suffering from epilepsy, was assaulted by a 28-year-old man who had entered her home. Following the crime, the perpetrator had gone missing, causing distress among the local community. However, diligent police work led to the apprehension of the suspect within his vicinity in Ritshangdung between the hours of 10 pm and 4 am on August 15. Sources report that the police team faced significant challenges while apprehending the suspect, as he attempted to evade capture. An anonymous source stated, "It was a tough time for the police team to catch the suspect. He tried to run away from the place. They even had knowledge that the guy planned to kill himself that night." The swift intervention of the police prevented any further harm from occurring. Investigations revealed th

Bhutanese Embrace Bitcoin as Over 2500 Individuals Start Earning Money through Freebitcoin

In a remarkable turn of events, the people of Bhutan have shown an increasing interest in Bitcoin, as the number of individuals earning money through has skyrocketed. Last month, only 500 people were earning, but now, over 2500 Bhutanese residents have joined the bandwagon. Earn money Through Bhutan Bitcoin, a popular online platform that allows users to earn Bitcoin for free, has gained significant traction in Bhutan. The sudden surge of interest in this digital currency has led to an exponential increase in the number of individuals participating in the program. With Bitcoin gaining prominence as a decentralized form of currency, Bhutanese residents are seizing the opportunity to earn money by simply registering on The platform offers a range of methods through which users can accumulate Bitcoin, including playing games, participating in contests, and referring friends. To capitalize on this growing trend, is encourag