
Showing posts from October 15, 2024

Border Town of Samrang Seeks Integrated Checkpoint

Samdrupjongkhar, Bhutan: The border town of Samrang in Samdrupjongkhar, despite sharing a common border and name with an Indian town in Assam, has been lacking a formal checkpoint for an extended period. This has resulted in significant inconveniences for residents and businesses in the region. Currently, the only border crossing is a simple iron gate guarded by Royal Bhutan Police personnel. This makeshift arrangement has made it challenging for people to cross the border, especially with restrictions on vehicle movement. Local residents and business owners have expressed their frustration over the lack of an integrated checkpoint. The restrictions on vehicle movement have increased transportation costs and hindered trade activities. According to Rinzin, a local businessman, the restrictions were imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic and have continued to impact small businesses in the four gewogs of Samdrupcholing dungkhag. "Now, we have to route everything through th