
Mass media

Is mass media “a gift or threat in changing the socio-cultural behaviour of the Bhutanese youth”? Mass media includes the means of media such as the television, radio and internet access through which information can be disseminated and shared to a large public and audience. The introduction of various   media is a vital part of Bhutan’s transition to democracy which aims at giving people the right and freedom to know themselves and the world around them. The influence of information and media on the world, and in Bhutanese society particularly, continues to grow and develop leading to socio-cultural and socio-economic changes. Though mass media has some westernization impact on the Bhutanese culture, the improvements and benefits it brings through exposure and learning environment, the revelation of the past and socialization are far more affirmative. Thus, mass media is certainly a gift in changing the socio-cultural behaviour of the Bhutanese youth. Mass medi...