Global Warming is caused by men

Global warming is the term used to describe the gradual increase in the earth’s temperature. The change is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s Climate. Climate change has become the greatest environmental issue in the modern era which is the main causative agent of rising seas, raging storms, burning heat, ferocious wild fire, severe drought and punishing floods threatening human health, communities, economy, and national security. It is very important to take necessary actions to fight against the growing heat to keep the planet safe for future generations. However, Hall (2012) states that there are views questioning whether climate change truly is an issue that all the people should be concerned with while others observe global warming as a massive threat to human being created by human.
Scientists saw inconsequential impacts of global warming in the initial stage in the past, and now the scientists are aware of the most dreadful challenges. According to Lean as cited in Hall (2012), global warming has gain its strength in rising the temperature higher bringing the Scientists to an agreement about the issue that the rising temperature should be under control to avoid a major disaster in near future. Scientists are now becoming alert by the international issue to commence the programs that suggest the solution of the issue in everyone’s mind to gain assistance in decreasing the rising temperature.
All the same, Hall (2012) states that the term global warming is a new topic and the people were reacting differently on this topic when it start out as an issue. Now this particular new topic is certain to have embedded in the mind and soul of the people with passes of time and its tremendous effect would erupt everyone to get involved in retaining the normal temperature of the planet. Ruhf (1999) addressed that the climate change can be due to both natural events examples as reported by Ahrens (1995) include variation in the earth’s orbit around the sun, volcanic eruption. And human activities examples as asserted by Rhodes (n.d) include industrial pollutants and deforestation.
However the climate change itself being revealed as a major threat to human beings showing its degree of the destruction many times more than those experienced Hall (2012) contrasted addressing people believe it to be passed with time and consider it as a part of cycle which was experienced. Nevertheless BBC News (2011) declared that the global temperature has rose up approximately by 0.74°c over the last 100 years and noted it had significant effect on the planet. IPCC (n.d) added estimating the temperature to be increased by 1-3.5 degree by 2100 which would be insignificant but if it continues at this rate it would increase by 6°c by year 3000.

Evidences of global warming beside the dangerous warming taking place are falling of rain untimely, shrinking of glaciers, and rising of sea levels causing disappearance of islands are the serious danger to world’s rapidly growing population. Further, Hall (2012) discloses that with rising temperature weather is becoming more extreme and recommends that 2007 was the hottest year recorded for the northern hemisphere. Moreover, IPCC (2007) in conducting review of the scientific evidences for climate change discovered negative impacts of climate change on many natural systems particularly by the growing temperature and it was also recorded that the planet experienced one of the warmest of eleven of twelve years between 1995 to 2006.
As cited in Ruhf (1999), Mower asserted that some of the atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapour absorb long wave radiation that is emitted from earth’s surface. Short wave solar radiation enters the earth’s surface which is recycled and emitted as long wave terrestrial radiation. Gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapour absorb this radiation and keep the temperature of the earth warmer than it would otherwise be in absence of atmosphere. As cited in New South Wales Government (2010), IPCC claimed rising level of carbon dioxide is the cause of the climate change.
NASA (2011) added that thirty percent of carbon dioxide was being released into the atmosphere since pre-industrial times. As cited in Hall (2012), Laynas complains that approximately six billion tons of carbon dioxide is added yearly. Out of six billion tons, only three billion tons are absorbed by oceans and plants, other three billion tons of carbon dioxide get trapped in the atmosphere creating major threatening issue of global warming. Writing in the AP English Language and Composition, Hall (2012) complains that human beings are the main cause of global warming and must make changes to prevent further harm to the earth.
However, number of researchers and climate scientists refuses to the claim of global warming being man-made stating there is no enough evidences to support the idea of global warming being man-made. It seems the concern about global warming have been aired well by the media. Lindzen (1990) reaffirms the view that carbon dioxide is a “…minor atmospheric constituents and as such, its variation might not be notably important.” He says that there are number of good effects that increasing levels of carbon dioxide have. For example “…at altitude of 25km to 90km, the atmosphere is cooled primarily by thermal radiation emitted to space by carbon dioxide. Increasing carbon dioxide should cool this region and this in turn should lead to increasing of ozone level at this level.” Increasing level of carbon dioxide might also stimulate the growth of vegetation. Indeed there are benefits in queue after increased carbon dioxide but main concerns have focused on the possibility of that increasing carbon dioxide might warm the climate.
Further, as cited in Ruhf (1999), P.W. Spencer and J.R. Christy in studying the temperature records from the period of 1979 through 1990 discovered a global trend of only 0.04°c per decade and concluded that no significant climate change has taken place. They asserted to have no point of worrying about the global warming. The facts are proving the world population about the benefits of increase level of carbon dioxide other than the long debated issue of its negative impacts.
A little rise in temperature has been found by the researchers and climate scientists in studying the temperature records of the past years. However, the real cause of the rise in the temperature is not known. In this modern era Global warming is not an exact science owing to its unknown origin. However, the effect of the rise in the global temperature on the planet is notable. The claim of human's contributions to climate change is also not justified scientifically as numbers of findings are in against the claim. Although the cause of global warming-natural or human activities is not justified but it is happening and it possess both positive and negative effect on the planet, and the life forms existing on it.
Ahrens, C. Donald, (1995). (5th ed).  Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment. New York: London
BBC News, (2012). Climate Change: Evidence. Retrieved from:
Hall, A. C. Mr. (22nd April 2012). AP English Language and Composition. Retrieved from:>site>genre---research-essay
Lindzen, Richard S. (March 1990). “Some Coolness Concerning Global Warming.” Bulletin American Meteorology Society. Vol. 71.number 3, pp.288-299
NASA (North American Space Agency), (2011). Climate Change: How do we know? Retrieved from:
New South Wales Government, (2010). Global changes. Retrieved from:


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