Letter to my love

Dear 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞,
The time before I saw you, I had no time to notice the beauty of the nature or fragrance of the flowers or chirping of the bird. Since the time I saw you my world is coming alive. The more I get to know about you the more I get to feel something warm and beautiful stirring within me.
Shekhar Khatiwara at Jigme Namgyel 
Engineering College 
 I sometimes sit quite and think, Is this what the poet has struggled through to describe their love? As the darkness overrule the bright day. I sit alone in the room waiting for the dawn to return so as I could see your smiling face again. To make you out of my mind I am engrossing myself indulge in continuous work but as I look at my phone screen I see your beautiful face appearing in it and when I try to engage myself in jotting down notes I find myself printing your name. Is it my perspective imagination or m I getting a bit smarter?  I think the glow from your electric personality must be energizing my brain and heart as well. Getting to know about you has brought a dimension to my life that I never had before.  Every moment I see you, the world looks a little better and the sun shines a little brighter.
So lastly, I know you have known how much you are starting to mean to me. The other girl I see just fade in comparison ever since I saw you. You have quickly become only one for me. hope you will feel the same if faith makes us be together.
Thank you 
Your love


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