Your actions are indicative of your respect for other people’s privacy and personal space – whether they’re still breathing or not.

In today's  society, people are unhealthily addicted to social media. But perhaps we, specifically us considered “adults”, should begin to think what to share and what not to share online – especially when the bodies being shared are not ours. Especially when the owner of that body no longer has the ability to give you their permission to take their photo.

Sharing and uploading photos of someone’s dead body with their face on your personal social media, especially without asking permission from the family or thinking about the reason behind the act, won’t necessarily be helpful to the public.

Inform if the purpose is to inform. Honor the victim’s memory if you want to honor.

But you do NOT need to carelessly share images of their dead body in order to do so, especially if you’re only posting the images for posting’s sake. Bear in mind this is a person. Not your #selfie.


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