Bhutan's "The Monk and the Gun" Selected as Submission for Best International Feature Film at Academy Awards

Bhutanese cinema is about to make its golden mark at the international level with the submission of "The Monk and the Gun" for the Best International Feature Film category at the 96th Academy Awards. The announcement was made after thorough evaluation and consideration by the Committee for Selection of Films for International Awards (CSFIA).
Bhutan witnessed immense talent pouring out of its native filmmakers with four submissions for the category, each presenting a unique and diverse range of stories. However, "The Monk and the Gun" stood out for its exceptional ability to authentically represent the country and captivate the audience with its innovative storytelling techniques and thematic elements.

The Selection Committee has also noted the strong narrative capabilities and exceptional performances by the cast members, along with the outstanding technical craftsmanship that reflects the true essence of Bhutan. "The Monk and the Gun" has the potential to be an outstanding contribution to the vibrant tapestry of Bhutanese cinema, and a true representation of the country's culture and heritage on the global stage.


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