His Majesty The King Meets with Prime Minister of Australia, Addresses Bhutanese Community in Canberra

His Majesty The King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck concluded his visit to Canberra, Australia, on October 14, 2024. During his stay, he met with the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, and addressed a large gathering of the Bhutanese community. His Majesty emphasized the importance of community engagement and Bhutan's development initiatives, including the Gelephu Mindfulness City.
Key Points:
  Meeting with Prime Minister: 
His Majesty met with Prime Minister Albanese on October 14, discussing bilateral relations and areas of cooperation between Bhutan and Australia.
 Addressing the Bhutanese Community: 
His Majesty addressed a gathering of approximately five thousand Bhutanese residents in Canberra. He expressed his happiness at seeing the community thriving and encouraged them to continue supporting their families both in Australia and Bhutan.

  Gelephu Mindfulness City:
 His Majesty highlighted the importance of the Gelephu Mindfulness City project and its potential to contribute to Bhutan's long-term security and prosperity.

  Community Engagement: His Majesty interacted with the Bhutanese community, attending cultural performances and discussing opportunities for involvement in the Gelephu Mindfulness City project.

  Upcoming Visit to Perth: Their Majesties and Royal Highnesses will continue their tour by visiting Perth, which has the largest Bhutanese community abroad.

Conclusion: His Majesty The King's visit to Canberra strengthened ties between Bhutan and Australia and allowed Bhutanese residents to connect with their homeland and learn about ongoing development initiatives.


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